Into the light we all go !

Notice - far away, a distant shrill
Cry of a child - a mother await.

A taken signal, a beggar child
Awaits a giver - generous and fly.

Wishful thinking - a child in catching stance:
'I shall be the hero, with this one in hand.'

'Dare you!' A kindergarten tot to another tries;
To climb a tree or be called - loser shy.

A returning father, his wage in hand
Hopes a day - better shades than gray and white.

A labor hand - tired on a strenuous day;
Dreams - 'When I would not have to work!'

A working mother, rushes home
Thinking wild: ‘All my chores, and a family's wails.’

Standing by - her children, counted three!
Each hand and arm full of trying screams & moans.

Two lovers pass - unfazed by life,
Their chemistry loud, resounding of objective lies.

A few friends’ standby - catching a smoke,
Telling tales - an expedition in the recent past.

Standing in ovation, to a politic try;
A keen crowd in loud hope - A better tomorrow!

A fight breaking - a shallow cause,
Another mob thrilled asks ‘What’s the issue?’

The last leaf - in a trailing breeze,
Lingers on - showing hope to a lost passer by.

A cricket's cries - unnervingly loud,
But its harmless size, an excuse to life.

A day passes by - each one in motion
Towards a destination or finding one;

Towards an answer or answering one;
In song, in love, in devotion or all.

The poem is about life around us, silent but lived. The sounds are as loud as your intent and honesty to see and listen to them. Hope you like it :) What else do you see ?


Deepti Saxena said…
Nice poem. Liked these two stanzas most;

"A returning father, his wage in hand
Hopes a day - better shades than gray and white."

"A cricket's cries - unnervingly loud,
But its harmless size, an excuse to life."

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