Separated by A Forlorn Strait

In a waiting stance, he waits and waits –

For her and her’s only love struck stare.

To be he wishes, but wishes deny,

In her arms to lay and sleep - in peace!

To be he wishes, but a forlorn strait

Stands between them; reluctant it blows!

“Oh! Let me flow through thy trying flows,

To reach ashore, where my love awaits!”

To the Strait he prays louder and louder,

In her arms to lay and sleep - in peace!

Her eyes strain beyond the forlorn strait,

In failing Hope, but she would wait.

A distant beacon dims and shines

As her heart wails and wails.

A storm broke, a year from now;

Across the forlorn strait it spread. “Take

Me around this storm, for I can no longer take

This unending wait, oh forlorn Strait!”

To the strait she hollers, louder and louder,

As her heart, wails and wails.

The strait spoke, with lightning strikes fray,

“My passing by has caused your heart pain;

My frivolous waves have crushed your boats;

And still, a year now, you stand and plead.”

Their Hope unfrazzled, unfettered still shone

Through the storm’s eye & unsettled Him.

Great many romances He had broken;

But this one was so different - so full of hope.

He then stood silent as the skies cleared, and spoke,

“And still, a year now, you stand and plead.”

- Arun Raj :)


selva ganapathy said…
bahut hi refresshing re!!!

Tum seriously naukri se job chodo aaur book likhe baito... this is my sincere advice to you.

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