A spot for you !

Deep into this night I have reached
A spot in my dreams reserved for you.

Silence broken by a cricket’s might

A distant owl’s cries echoes and dies.

With you so far – a few physical miles,
But a heartbeat away, there u stand;

As I close my eyes – tonight,

I just wish for you and only you.

I slip into a dream so vividly real
Love lanterns light, surreal sights.
Oh, dreams they are; I wish were true.
In your dreams I shall float this night.

You & I, tangled with our eyes & sight
Lost in the gardens of the seventh haven.
Pearly petals of jasmine, dancing
Along tulip meadows in a spring summer breeze.

So deep I am, lost in your sight so awed,
That I wish and hope not to wake and lose
This sight that pleasures me, of you –
A divine sight; now I wish for you and only you.

~ Arun Raj ~


दर्शन said…
one of the best write up from you , I must say ..

slip into a dream so vividly real
Love lanterns light, surreal sights.
Oh, dreams they are; I wish were true.
In your dreams I shall float this night.

very thoughtful and full of emotions ...

Wonderful Poem ... I liked it a lot ...

Sonia said…
What wrong with you Bum?? It's good really gud. lol
Anonymous said…
very nice ya...cant descrbe it in words...all i can say is very imaginative!!!

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