Territories of Comfort & Competition
Recently, a friend of mine wished to be critical about a team that he was part of at work. The team being made out of a need basis, had little to gel together for. He being the odd one out was being eyed on for removal from the team. He feels discriminated against and blogs his disgust. I reasoned like this ... The central nature of any form of existence - a car, a mountain, a human, an animal, etc, is to compete for survival. They are all made of electrons & photons. When there is instability and emptiness, there is a need for fulfillment. In this competition procreation becomes a tool, a very need based tool, to breed and further your kind. The kind may be a caste, tribe, a pack of lions, a herd of sheep, a clout of locusts, etc. We being relatively the most advanced beings in nature are only different in one way - We are capable of reasoning. At some point in human history of evolution, we had to have a survival feature and that was reasoning. Now having grown out of the need t...